IO-Link device transceiverND1160
- -Small package with the minimum functions
- -Large current and wide operating voltage
- -Supports the latest standard of 230.4 kbps
New product launching -
With watchdog timer and window voltage monitoring500mA LDO: NP4271
- -LDO, WDT and reset function on a single chip
- -Ideal for automotive functional safety
- -Contributes to system stability and compact size
New product launching -
The first power management IC in the MUSES seriesMUSES100
- -600 mA LDO regulator for high-quality audio
- -Ultra-low noise: 3.0 µVrms
- -High PSRR: 90 dB
New product launching -
Low-consumption, voltage to frequency converterNA2100
- -Achieves conversion accuracy of 12 bits or higher
- -For simple AD converter and simple isolated transfer
New product launching -
5V Analog Front End with high precision ΔΣ type ADCNA2202/NA2203/NA2204
- -16-bit/20-bit/24-bit pin-to-pin compatibility
- -Integrated up to 128x PGA and multiplexer
- -Use multiple sensors in combination
New product launching
News releaseNews Release
About Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc.
Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc. is the result of an integration former New Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and former RICOH Electronic Devices Co., Ltd.
New Japan Radio Co., Ltd as famous as Op-amp supplier and RICOH Electronic Devices as known as Power management IC supplier integrated. We further grow as an ”Analog solution provider".
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