Corporate PhilosophyMission/Vision/Value
Corporate PhilosophyMission/Vision/Value
Corporate Philosophy
Common to the Nisshinbo Group
Change and Challenge!
For the creation of the future of Earth and People.
Connect Everything - Pioneering the way to a smart, clean future
Nisshinbo Micro Devices is challenging itself with "connecting technology" to realize "Connect Everything," contributing to a "connected society."
Vision 2035
To be a powerful analog solutions provider.
Nisshinbo Micro Devices aims to be a company that creates high value for customers through three levels of SINKA (Deepening, Evolving, Creating) in its hardware and software using analog technology as its foundation, and solves the problems of society and its customers.
Common to the Nisshinbo Group
- We provide our customers with eco-friendly products and services to create a safer and more secure society with integrity.
- We create new value to inspire and satisfy our customers.
- We improve upon our corporate value and meet the expectations of our shareholders.
- We hold dear a corporate culture in which our employees can proudly work with vigorand boldly engage in new endeavors.
Business Conduct Guidelines
- Respect for Human Rights
- Thorough-Going Compliance
- Respect for Diversity
- Awareness and Concern towards our Environmental Impact
- Safety is the Basis for Everything
- Fair and Transparent Business Practices
- Boldly Striving Forward
- Innovation
- Quality Communication
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