Constant Current LED Driver with PWM Dimming Control
Constant Current LED Driver with PWM Dimming Control
The NJW4616 is a constant current LED driver with PWM dimming control. The output current can be set by external sensing resister, and the NJW4616 can set up to 300mA. Because the withstand voltage of the output (LED) pin is 40V, it can series-connect the LED depending on forward voltage of the LED. The LED dimming control can be regulated via PWM duty cycle. It is suitable for back light, light source and so on.
Consumer Input Voltage Range 2.5 V ~ 40 V (45 V) Operating Temperature Range -40°C to 125°C Supply Current Typ. 330 µA Control Type PWM Package SOT-89-5-2 Note PWM Dimming Control and Enable Control (Common Pin)
Over Current Protection
Thermal Shutdown Protection
LED Short Protection -
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PackagesProduct Name Compatibility Package Marking Reliability NJW4616U2 SOT-89-5-2 - NJW-1-s-fr - Refer to the datasheets for the details on the product.
- The package file or the datasheet includes package dimensions, taping specifications, taping reels dimensions, power dissipations, and recommended land pattern.
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