Easier Way of Developing IoT Systems with Modules Assisting Construction of IoT Systems
To Lead Success in IoT System Construction
One of the problems inseparable from utilizing IoT (Internet of Things) is that customers have to design a power supply circuit suitable for each device or each appliance. To reduce the trouble of designing power supply circuits, Nisshinbo Micro Devices provide our customers with a module useful for IoT systems.
Nisshinbo Micro Devices' module will facilitate customers to develop IoT systems.
RIoT Environment Sensing Board
An evaluation board which obtains and transmits information on ambient temperature, humidity, air pressure, and illuminance. The sensing board achieves independent power generation, prolongation of battery operating time, and high-accuracy sensing, all of which IoT edge devices require.
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For IoT Devices
Supporting your IoT system construction
We develop optimum power management ICs for IoT and manufacture them at our own plant.