NJU7660A Series
Inverting Charge Pump IC
NJU7660A Series
Inverting Charge Pump IC
The NJU7660A is a CMOS switched capacitor, voltage converter designed to be an Improved direct replacement of popular 7660/1044.NJU7660A provides several voltage conversion functions.The application circuit of negative voltage(VOUT=-VIN) converter requires only two capacitors, and positive twofold voltage(VOUT=2VIN)converter requires two capacitors and two diode as external components.
Consumer Operating Current Max. 0.13 mA Operating voltage range +1.5 to +10V(Negative)
+3V to +10V(Twofold)Output Resistance Max. 100 Ω Structure CMOS Technology Wide Operating Temperature -40℃ to +85℃ Junction Temp. +150℃ Package DMP8,SSOP8 High-efficiency voltage conversion rate 99.9%(No load, Negative voltage converter) Few external components 2 capacitors(Negative voltage converter),
2 capacitors, 2diode(Twofold voltage converter)Note Full Compatible with NJU7660
Correspond to MLCC and electrolytic capacitor
Twofold positive Output
Polarity-converted Negative voltage Output -
Documents -
Quality &
PackagesProduct Name Compatibility Package Marking Reliability NJU7660AM DMP8 - NJU-1-s-fr NJU7660AV SSOP8 - NJU-1-s-fr - Refer to the datasheets for the details on the product.
- The package file or the datasheet includes package dimensions, taping specifications, taping reels dimensions, power dissipations, and recommended land pattern.
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